It seems as though we are always asking our children to learn and behave, but are we teaching them how to? Discover ME is a Movement Education Program designed to teach children “how to learn” by teaching those skills that have a positive influence on learning: self-control, focus, concentration, & effective listening–the prerequisites for learning. It provides the opportunity for children to develop and practice those essential skills that create the foundation for learning. Research has revealed that teaching those skills improves behavior and academic performance. Discover ME includes over 70 activities & variations, 84 poses & moving balances, skills that create the foundation for learning, creative ways to stimulate language, teaching techniques, music suggestions to start your own music library, and illustrations. Creative ideas and activities are learned in this “hands on” approach that encourage children to develop and practice self-control, focus, concentration, and effective listening skills. One of the most important things we can do for our children is to prepare them for learning by teaching them “how to learn.” Discover ME is beneficial for children in many different learning environments, such as, school, home, day-care, special education, hearing impaired, physical education, gifted, and recreational programs. Discover ME includes an inspiring collection of movement experiences that will encourage children to learn important life-long skills while having fun. Teach children how to control their impulses, focus, concentrate, and listen!