Workshop & Trainings

Workshops and Professional Development

Teaching Children Self-Regulation Skills Through the Practice of Mindfulness

In these workshops, you will learn effective strategies and techniques designed to teach and encourage the development of self-regulation skills through the practice of mindfulness.

These techniques equip teachers with the tools and strategies they need to create a classroom environment that is conducive to teaching and learning.

Through my storybooks for children, my resource books for teachers, and these interactive workshops, teachers are given the tools to empower their kids with the skills and strategies they need to manage their emotions, make thoughtful decisions, and build strong relationships with themselves and others.

These skills and strategies equip children with the ability to take control of their own lives by CHOOSING positive words and actions.

These skills create the foundation that builds and strengthens emotional maturity, which, in turn, fosters self-empowerment.

Through the practice of mindfulness kids can learn how to:

  • Manage their own behavior.
  • Take responsibility for their actions.
  • Stop and think about the consequences, both positive and negative, for what they choose to say and do.
  • Make mindful choices.
  • Resolve conflicts peacefully (within yourself and others).

Join me on this journey of unlocking the potential of our future generation. Together, let’s make a lasting impact on the lives of our children.

Take action now and book a workshop with me today.

Together, we can shape a brighter future for our kids!